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Select articles from WSJ 3/7/21

Kaitlyn Choi

The platforms that serve two distinct customers--one consumes the service and the other develops and uploads the service to the platform--need to strike the right, but tricky balance that satisfy both as well as make profit. When there are three forces--consumers, developers, and company's shareholders--pulling the platform company in all different directions, where should it go?

Ultimately, these three entities want the same thing--a good platform. Then, does it translate into a single path forward that could satisfy everyone? Should one or two sacrifice along the way? Would this tension among three be a disruptive force that brings a new type of platform for apps into the market?

Learn storytelling and practice it over and over again. Technology advances. New services come and go. What hasn't changed and will not change forever is that we humans are drawn to stories. Thus, storytelling skills will be always highly valued no matter what field you are in.

When the price of bitcoin rose in late 2017, some people said we should pay attention to the underlying technology that allows bitcoin to exist--block chain. Reading and hearing about NFT, I still don't get it. What is in the crux of this new booming market? Why do people want something that's not exclusive to owners and could be easily duplicated? Is it just another investment tool? Or does NFT suggest a new way of owning digital work?

And... what's going to be next imaginary scarcity?


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