Big question: Netflix has hit a milestone of 200 million subscribers, but it's expecting a steeper competition other streaming services such as HBO Max, Amazon's Prime, and Disney +, this year. How could Netflix sustain growth (steadily if not as much as the rate in 2020?
My note:
1. Maintain the current subscribers:
a. Situation: Deloitte found that 62 percent of people who signed up to watch a specific show canceled once they finished.
b. Solutions:
i. Diverse programs
(1) Theater and musicals
(2) Exclusive making films and behind-the-scene clips of the original shows.
(A way to strengthen the relationship between the show and fans)
ii. Off-line, in-person events available to subscribers only.
(of course after the pandemic is over)
(1) Meeting with actors, writers, and producers (This could be live streamed too)
(2) Tours of the places where the show was filmed
2. Grain new subscribers:
a. Situation: Netflix subscriber growth by region
b. Solutions:
i. Keep expanding the presence outside of North America.
(1) Exclusive partnerships to acquire recent shows and produce original contents.
(2) Customize the service based on the country
2.1 High speed internet? Income levels?
ii. Diverse programs described above may appeal to people in North America who are not subscribing Netflix.
3. Invest in writers and producers:
a. Is Netflix the best partner to work with for writers and producers? Why should they come to Netflix instead of its competitors to make their shows?
b. Training programs for aspiring writers
c. Owning or leasing production facilities
e. In-house expertise for show production